Degree No. 159/2017/NĐ-CP dated December 27th 2017 on promulgating Vietnam's special preferential import Tariff for implementation of the ASEAN - India Agreement on Free Trade in Goods in the period 2018 – 2022
The Agreement on Trade in Services under the framework agreement on comprehensive economic cooperation between India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations1 (hereafter “the Agreement”) is ASEAN’s 6th regional trade agreement (RTA).
ASEAN - India dialogue relations have grown rapidly from a sectoral dialogue partnership in 1992 to a full dialogue partnership in December 1995
On November 14th 2014, the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam issued Circular No. 169/2014/TT-BTC dated 14 November 2014 prescribing special preferential import tariff to implement ASEAN - India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIGA) for the period 2015-18 with effect from 01 January 2015 (preferential tax rates).
On April 15th 2016, the Misnistry of Industry and Trade issued Circular No. 15/2010/TT-BCT imposing the rules of origin that provided under the Free Trade Area Agreement between Asean and India.