ASEAN countries have signed and implemented 02 Mutual Recognition Arrangements for 2 products: Electrical and Electronic, Medicinal Products
ASEAN countries have signed 03 Agreements on standard harmonization of Cosmetics, Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Medical Divice
To facilitate trade in goods, ASEAN countries has signed and implemented some agreements and coopeartion on Customs
To facilitate trade in goods among ASEAN countries, ASEAN has initiated 02 pilot projects on sel-certification of ROO
The ASEAN Single Window (ASW) is a unique regional initiative that connects and integrates National Single Windows (NSWs) of Member States. The ASW objective is to expedite cargo clearance within the context of increased economic integration in ASEAN
ATIGA was signed on 26/2/2009 in the 14th ASEAN Summit in Thailand and effective from 17/5/2010.