More resources on ASEAN Economic Community

More resources on ASEAN Economic Community

1. ASEAN Website

This is the official website of ASEAN including all documents and information about ASEAN and its activities.

2. The ASEAN Solutions for Investments, Services and Trade (ASSIST) 

The ASEAN Solutions for Investments, Services and Trade (ASSIST) is a non-binding and consultative mechanism for the expedited and effective solution of operational problems encountered by ASEAN-based enterprises on cross-border issues related to the implementation of ASEAN economic agreements and within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) launched in 2015. ASSIST is fully internet based and free of charge.

3. ASEAN Tariff Finder

The Tariff Finder is designed to support traders to maximize benefits from ASEAN’s free trade agreements (FTAs). This is a tool to help businesses, especially Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) to get the up-to-date information on the preferential tariffs applied by ASEAN Member States under ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) or by ASEAN Member States and her trading partners under various ASEAN+1 free trade agreements. It also sets out the rules of origin criteria used to determine a product’s eligibility for preferential tariff treatment. With this search engine, traders will save time and resources in their transactions, since all tariff information they need are now readily available at the website.

4. The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)

Established on 1 January 1999, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) is an independent intergovernmental organisation within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) structure that represents the 10 ASEAN Member States’ (AMS) interests in the energy sector.   The Centre accelerates the integration of energy strategies within ASEAN by providing relevant information and expertise to ensure the necessary energy policies and programmes are in harmony with the economic growth and the environmental sustainability of the region. It is guided by a Governing Council composed of Senior Officials on Energy from each AMS and a representative from the ASEAN Secretariat as an ex-officio member. Hosted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia, ACE’s office is located in Jakarta.

5. The ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection (ACCP) 

The ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection (ACCP) was established in August 2007. The ACCP, and its three Working Groups, serve as the focal point for the implementation and monitoring of regional arrangements and mechanisms on, and to foster the sustainabledevelopment of, consumer protection in ASEAN

The ACCP’s website aims to provide a channel or facility for ASEAN consumers to Complain or Claim for any loss incurred (in respect of any goods or services purchased or acquired) in a less cumbersome, speedy manner and at a minimal cost.

6. ASEAN Competition Policy and Law (CPL)

ASEAN Member States (AMSs) have committed in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint to endeavour to introduce national competition policy and law (CPL) by 2015. This is to ensure a level playing field and to foster a culture of fair business competition for enhanced regional economic performance in the long run. In August 2007, the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) endorsed the establishment of the ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) as a regional forum to discuss and cooperate on competition policy and law (CPL). This is the official website of the AEGC

7. The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) is an international organization established by a formal agreement among 16 heads of government at the 3rd East Asia Summit in Singapore on 21 November 2007. ERIA works closely with the ASEAN Secretariat, researchers and research institutes from East Asia to provide intellectual and analytical research and policy recommendations. Another key ERIA objective is capacity building aimed at strengthening policy research capacities in less developed countries.

8. Invest in ASEAN

This is the official investment promotion website of the ASEAN including ASEAN commitments, policies and all related information about investing in ASEAN countries

9. ASEAN Intellectual Property Portal

The ASEAN IP Portal ( was launched by Thailand in April 2013, in conjunction with World IP Day 2013. Comprising information on ASEAN IP systems, comparative IP-related data, and web links to ASEAN IP Offices, stakeholders of ASEAN Member States can now obtain IP information for the entire ASEAN region via a consolidated platform. This one-stop portal facilitates information flow within the region's IP knowledge network and enables stakeholders to access relevant information such as notices and procedures in a more efficient manner.

10. ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS) 

Guided by the  The ASEAN Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT) and its protocols, The ACTS is a computerised Customs transit management system available to operators who move goods across borders without paying the required duties and taxes otherwise due when the goods enter (or leave) the country thus requiring only one (final) Customs formality. It offers an administratively simple and cost advantageous procedure to carry goods across Customs territories outside the normal import and export procedures.

This is the official website of ACTS.

11. The ASEAN Single Window (ASW)

The ASEAN Single Window (ASW) is a unique regional initiative that connects and integrates National Single Windows (NSWs) of Member States. The ASW objective is to expedite cargo clearance within the context of increased economic integration in ASEAN. ASW implementation ensures compatibility of Member States NSWs with international open communication standards while also ensuring that each of those Member States can then exchange data securely and reliably with any trading partners that use international open standards. Simpler and faster processing time, and a more transparent way of doing business – these are the main goals of the ASEAN Single Window initiative. 

12ASEAN SME Service Center

ASEAN recognises the need to link SMEs, vertically and horizontally, with enterprises, traders, suppliers, manufacturers and consumers within ASEAN member states (AMS) and trade partners so that, by enhancing their market access and paving the way for their internationalisation, SMEs are able to take advantage of the trade and investment opportunities and benefits from regional economic integration. ASEAN SME Service Web Portal with regional linkages, provides information crucial for SMEs to penetrate regional and international markets

13Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) based on official regulations

Introduction: Non-tariff measures (NTMs) cover sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards (SPS), technical barriers to trade (TBT), import and export licensing, export restrictions, customs surcharges, anti-dumping and safeguard measures, among others. While tariffs have been reduced, the number of NTMs is increasing and is often blamed to be a source of the lack of integration in ASEAN. The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and UNCTAD collected and classified NTMs in the 10 ASEAN countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam). They worked on all regulations and official documents including international conventions adopted by countries which were in effect by January 2015

14. ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area

This website provides commitments, guidelines and related information about the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area

15. ASEAN China Free Trade Area

This website provides commitments, guidelines and related information about the ASEAN China Free Trade Area

16. ASEAN Korea Free Trade Area

This website provides commitments, guidelines and related information about the ASEAN Korea Free Trade Area

17. ASEAN-Japan Centre

18. ASEAN Korea Centre

19. ASEAN-China Centre