The MRA on Engineering Services is the first services MRA established under the CCS. It works towards an ASEAN-wide registration system which allows registered Professional Engineers (PE) in an ASEAN Member State to be certified as ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineers (ACPE) and finally work as Registered Foreign Professional Engineers (RFPE) in other ASEAN Member State in collaboration with designated Professional Engineers in the Host Country.
The administration of the MRA at ASEAN level is undertaken by ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer Coordinating Committee (ACPECC). The chairmanship of ACPECC rotates among Member States every two year. The ACPECC has a permanent secretariat located in Jakarta, and is operated by Indonesia’s PRA. The ACPECC secretariat also manages the ACPECC website:
All ASEAN Member States have officially participated in the MRA, have established the required institutions and completed the procedures to implement the ACPE certifications. As of October 2015, there had been 1,483 ACPEs registered from 9 Member States, and 6 of the ACPEs had been registered as RFPEs.