
Study to determine the Impact of Accelerating the ASEAN Economic Community from 2020 to 2015 on Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV)

27 tháng 12. 2016


"he Report is intended to provide a broad overview of the study to measure the impact of accelerating the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) from 2020 to 2015 and to provide specific policy recommendations on strategy approach, institutional, human and industrial capacity building requirements for CLMV to meet their commitments under the AEC Blueprint. It is presented in two parts. The first part covers structural and policy issues facing CLMV economies as compressed timetable requiring more effective
domestic structural adjustments to meet. The study has identified the status, problems and prospects of promoting the 14 priority sectors that can be developed as part of the production networking. After studying the AEC Blueprint and surveying the theoretical
and empirical literature, the first part identifies a broad strategy approach and policy requirement for achieving the four objective elements of AEC.

The second part of the study involves the quantitative analysis, the construction of dimension of AEC
Scores/indices for CLMV and assessment of impact of acceleration of integration process using a global simulation model. The quantitative analysis, field works and surveys invariably confirmed the broad overview and outline of Part I. Accelerating AEC process would entail more opportunities and challenges to CLMV economies. With a view to take advantage of emerging opportunities of deeper regional integration in trade and investment and emerging production networking of agglomeration and fragmentation, policy environment and capacity building must be strengthened and enhanced. There has been some positive progress in CLMV economies and in certain sectors of their industries and in the level and scope of their human and infrastructure facilities. However, trade and investment liberalization must be accompanied with comprehensive and sustainable development assistance extended by more developed ASEAN members to CLMV. Otherwise, accelerating AEC process would tend to increase economic competitiveness but widen economic gap among ASEAN member countries."
