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What does AEC mean for ASEAN people and companies?

27 tháng 12. 2016 0 Lượt xem

What does AEC mean for ASEAN people and companies?

The commitments that ASEAN members have undertaken to realise the AEC 2015 are wide-ranging. They build on ASSEAN’s potential and increase opportunities for the people and companies in ASEAN countries

  • Manufacturers will benefit from more affordable materials, as tariffs in ASEAN come down, allowing materials to pass through borders at lower costs
  • Traders will benefit from easier exporting processes and from being able to export at lower costs with tariffs reduced, Rules of Origin made more flexible, and customs procedures simplified
  • Service providers will benefit from gaining access into ASEAN, as discriminatory barriers to ASEAN members’ services markets are removed
  • Investors will benefit from being able to set up investments in ASEAN more easily as regulations become more transparent, foreign ownership restrictions are eased, and investments are guaranteed protection
  • Consumvers will benefit from a wider choice of goods and services at more affordable prices, and from greater access to the internet and broadband connectivity in the region.
